本牧ベイサイドクリニック 「整形外科」診療日時のお知らせ整形外科外来は毎週土曜日の9時~17時に診察しております LINE公式アカウントはじめました

身体の痛みや不調を抱える方へ 正しい身体の使い方を習得しましょう!

首・肩・腰の痛み、スポーツ障害等のお身体の悩みについてご相談ください。原因となる運動機能を改善し、根本から治しましょう。 By addressing the underlying motor function that causes your physical problems, such as neck, shoulder, and back pain or sports injuries, we can provide effective healing from the root.

• For those experiencing physical pain and discomfort, we offer expert guidance on how to use your body correctly. Our team of specialists can help you identify any underlying causes of your discomfort and provide personalized strategies for improving your posture, movements, and overall physical health.
• If you're tired of living with physical pain and discomfort, it's time to learn how to use your body correctly. Our experienced coaches can guide you through targeted exercises, stretches, and lifestyle changes to help you feel better and move more easily.
• Don't let physical pain hold you back! Our educational programs can teach you how to use your body correctly, so you can enjoy better health and mobility. Whether you're dealing with chronic pain, acute injuries, or just general discomfort, we can help you find the solutions you need.

The rehabilitation room at Honmoku Bayside Clinic is community-based and staffed by nationally certified physical therapists. During your initial consultation, we'll work with you to understand your symptoms and develop a personalized treatment plan. Our one-on-one treatment sessions last 40 minutes and focus on addressing the root causes of your discomfort, with the goal of achieving long-lasting relief and preventing future symptoms. If you're experiencing any physical discomfort, please don't hesitate to consult with us.




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2024.09.18 お知らせ
2024.08.14 お知らせ
2024.07.16 お知らせ


  • 筋ではなく「動作」を鍛えるのイメージ



    To avoid pain and injury, it's important to move your body properly. At our clinic, we use tools like gait analysis and center-of-gravity sway meters to see how each person moves. Then, we create a custom plan that may include exercises, relaxation techniques, and taping therapy to help improve their physical and mental health. Our goal is to help each person feel better and keep their body functioning well.



    Sports Rehabilitation

    Sports injuries and pains need different treatments depending on the sport and the symptoms. Our physiotherapists at the clinic focus on each patient's specific needs and create a rehab plan tailored to their symptoms and causes. Whether you're an athlete, a club member, or just someone who loves to exercise, we welcome you to consult with us. Our goal is to help you recover and get back to your sport at a higher level than before your injury.

  • ケガの予防と競技復帰を支えるのイメージ
身体の痛み・不調の原因・生活習慣などを把握するためのヒヤリング ステップ台を利用した動作確認とトレーニング 全身鏡を利用した姿勢調整 バランスボールを利用した下肢・体幹トレーニング スポーツの競技特性にあわせたアスレティックトレーニング 関節や筋の負担を軽減するテーピング療法


  • Balance test equipment


    We conduct tests by having patients stand on a plate with both feet at shoulder width to examine the distribution of pressure on the soles of their feet. During the test, we display the average pressure data as a static image.


    We provide color-coded displays for pressure distribution and percentage displays for front-back and left-right balance. We analyze the contact state and can confirm the type of arch during the examination.


I hope to undergo rehabilitation.
What should I do?
You will need a doctor's diagnosis. Once the doctor orders rehabilitation, we will schedule your sessions. If there are available slots, you can start on the same day as well.
Do I need to make a reservation for rehabilitation sessions?
We operate on a strictly appointment-only basis. You can schedule, change, or cancel rehabilitation appointments either when you visit the clinic or by phone.
How often should I attend rehabilitation sessions?
Physical therapists will tailor the frequency of sessions based on each individual's symptoms and availability. Many patients attend sessions approximately 1 to 3 times per week.
Do you have a parking lot?
Yes, we do. The entrance to the underground parking lot is located at the back of the Mulala Honmoku Building. We will provide you with a parking voucher at the reception desk, so you can use the parking facility free of charge. This allows you to visit the clinic without getting wet even on rainy days.


◆FROM Tokyo/Yokohama AREA◆
From JR Ishikawacho Station South Exit, take Yokohama city Bus route 99, 101, 105, or 106 bound for Honmoku and get off at 〈Honmoku Miyahara〉 bus stop, just a short walk away.
(Bus ride takes approximately 15 minutes, depending on the time of day.)
●From Minatomirai Line Motomachi-Chukagai Station
Exit 4, take Yokohama city Bus route 8, 58, or 108 bound for Honmoku from Yamashita-cho bus stop and get off at Honmoku Miyahara bus stop, just a short walk away.
(Bus ride takes approximately 15 minutes, depending on the time of day.)
◆From Ofuna area◆
From JR Negishi Station,take Yokohama city Bus route 58, 99, or 101 bound for Honmoku from Negishi Station bus stop and get off at Honmoku Miyahara bus stop, just a 1-minute walk away.
(Bus ride takes approximately 15 minutes, depending on the time of day.)
●Using local roads
Drive along Honmoku Street towards AEON Baytown after passing Yamate Police Station. Our clinic is located on the ground floor of the building with a red object just beyond the Honmoku Miyahara bus stop. The entrance to the parking lot is located at the back of the building.
●Using a taxi
Drive along Honmoku Street towards AEON Baytown after passing Yamate Police Station. Our clinic is located on the ground floor of the building with a red object just beyond the Honmoku Miyahara bus stop. It takes approximately 10 minutes by taxi from JR Ishikawacho Station, JR Negishi Station, or Minatomirai Line Motomachi-Chukagai Station.


